Plus loan.
Why choose Saldodipje?
You can quickly borrow money from Saldodipje within 4 simple steps.
How can I get a loan?
To apply for a loan online, simply choose the amount you need and click Apply. During the application process, you must authenticate yourself online and provide us with your financial information. Don't worry – you will be guided all the way through the loan application process.
You must also meet the acceptance criteria for a loan, such as age, fixed income and Dutch address. Together, all these requirements ensure that you will not be faced with any unwanted surprises and that you can keep your financial situation in balance.
Once you have submitted the online credit application, we will transfer the loan amount to your account within 24 hours after approval. Don't forget that our friendly customer service team is always ready to help you if you have any questions!
What do I need before applying for a loan?
To make the application process as smooth as possible, we ask you to have these details ready before you submit an application:
Borrow quickly and easily online
No matter how much you need, an online loan should be simple and straightforward. That is why we at Saldodipje have made the online loan application as simple as possible. You only need your phone to submit your online credit application - no more waiting in line for hours!
Selecting the right loan amount and term depends on your needs. Are you looking for a financial expense or an advance on your salary? Our online loan calculator gives you a quick look into your loan details. By adjusting your loan amount or term, you can immediately view your total borrowing costs, including the associated interest.